To become a member of the Band of Christian Brothers’ fraternity you need to be initiated into it.
The initiation is a public event. It is to be ideally taken place at a church in front of the Tabernacle or Blessed Sacrament (Mass is preferred if you have a priest willing to do it). If not available then a house or outside is sufficient with a crucifix.
The initiation must be performed by a member of the Band of Christian Brothers fraternity, holding the rank of Centurion or higher, or a designated proxy, acting as a witness.
The man (or men) seeking to be initiated will be asked several questions from the witness. After which they make the Oath of Fidelity, placing his left hand on the Bible while the right is in the air with 3 fingers (thumb, index and middle) upward in symbolism of the Trinity and 3 divine offices of Christ and our baptism (priest, prophet and king).
After which the witness then embraces the newly initiated member into the brotherhood.
NOTE: Every year fellow brothers will be asked to renew their commitment to the brotherhood. Preferably on the anniversary of the fraternity (the feast of Our Lady of Victory) October 7th all members will renew their commitment for another year.
If you are attending Band of Christian Brothers Cohort meetings you will eventually be asked to make a commitment.